ZENDURE SolarFlow ist da!

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SolarFlow Hyper 2000



Das weltweit erste Balkonkraftwerk mit Multi-Sets-Koordination und bidirektionalem AC-gekoppeltem Speicher

ZenLink Multi-Sets Automatic Networking mit 1200 - 1800W AC-Ladeleistung

IP65 Wasserdichter Schutz

Erweiterbare Kapazität

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 kWh


0 1 . 0 1 2 0 0 W


0 1 . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 0 W

Zendure’s SuperBase V is the largest and most powerful portable battery yet. In terms of output power, the SuperBase V is unusual in that the US version has both 120V and 220V sockets to power standard and high-wattage devices.
— The Verge
Want to charge mobile devices, gaming setups or even electric vehicles? SuperBase V acts as a souped-up power bank with both 120V and 220V sockets to deliver juice for all your daily needs. 
You see, the SuperBase V is a plug-and-play energy storage solution for nearly any application or purpose. While it works incredibly well as a backup power solution for your home, it can also handle off-grid and on-the-go living situations.
— Digital Trends
The world’s first plug-and-play home energy system, SBV is compatible with existing units, expandable, long-lasting, quick-acting, and intelligent.
— Man of Many
Zendure’s SuperBase V is the largest and most powerful portable battery yet. In terms of output power, the SuperBase V is unusual in that the US version has both 120V and 220V sockets to power standard and high-wattage devices.
— The Verge
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Zendure News

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